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Year 1 - Butterfly Class

Welcome to Butterfly Class 




You should be able to find everything you need to know about our curriculum using the links below. If you have any questions, please send me a message on Class Dojo.


Class teacher - Mrs Beaney 

Class LSAs - Mrs Middleton and Mrs Bowler 

Class HLTA - Mrs Story (Fridays) 


Our school day 

8:30am  - 2:50pm

Children will older siblings can be picked up at 3pm. 


Transition from Reception to Year 1

At the start of the year, we will be echoing a lot of the play-based learning your children did when they were in Reception to help make their transition easier. When the class is happily settled and ready for a more formal style of learning, we will gradually introduce it.



Each week, PE will be taught on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. For the first half term, the children will independently get themselves changed into their PE kits at school. After October half term, the children can come into school already wearing their PE kit on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure all jewellery is removed including earrings. The children cannot participate in PE if they are wearing earrings, even if they are taped up. PE will start on the second week back to school.



The children in KS1 receive a healthy snack in the morning. If they would like a healthy snack for afternoon break, please feel free to put one in their bag.



After the children have been in school for a few weeks, homework activities will be sent home. They will be set maths homework on Purple Mash and will receive writing/spelling homework in a Bingo grid format. Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in by the following Wednesday. 



We encourage you to read together daily and to listen to your child read their school books at least three times a week.  Each time they read their school books at home, please note this in their reading record and their name will be put into our Super Reader jar. At the end of the week, a name is picked at random and their reading achievements are celebrated in assembly.


Reading books

In Year  1, the children will be sent home with a sharing book and a group reading book. 


The sharing book is closely matched to your child's phonetic ability but there may be certain sounds or tricky words which they have not yet learnt. The purpose of these books is for you and your child to have a go at reading and sharing them together, please tell your child a word if they are unsure of how to decode it or what it means. These books will be changed twice a week. 


The children will also bring a group reading book home which is matched to their individual phonics needs. They will have already practiced reading this book at school and should be mostly fluent by the time they bring this home. Please use this as an opportunity for your child to show off their reading and understanding of the text to you. These books will be changed once a week. 


Please use the icons below to access each terms information. 




50 recommended Reads Year 1

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