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Year 5 - Fox Class

 Welcome to Fox Class 


We hope you have all had a lovely summer break and are ready and refreshed for a new year. Please find below some useful information about the school day and the year ahead.

If you have any questions, please contact me via Class Dojo. 

Class teacher: Mrs Hands

Class LSA: Mrs Willoughby

PPA Cover: Mrs Farrell 

OUR SCHOOL DAY: 8.30am - 3.10pm

                                  8.30am: Registration and Early Work tasks

                                  8.45am: formal lessons begin


P.E. will be taught on a Monday and Friday afternoon. Children should come into school dressed in the correct P.E. kit on these days. Your child should be prepared for all weather conditions as P.E. sessions may be held indoors or outdoors. (See school website for details on required P.E. kit) Please ensure all P.E kit is clearly labelled with your child's name. For health and safety reasons, long hair should be tied back and any jewellery removed.

P.E will start on the second week back at school.



Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for their morning break. No crisps, sugary snacks or food containing nuts. We also encourage children to bring in a water bottle - learning is thirsty work! No flavoured drinks please.




Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Children who have not completed their homework will have a chance to do this on Friday during playtime. All login details can be found in the front of the children's Reading Diaries.

Homework will include:

  • MATHS: online activities set on Purple Mash
  • WRITING ACTIVITY: set in a Bingo grid format. Copies will be in homework folders and are also saved under each term by clicking on the icons below. One activity should be completed each week.
  • SPELLINGS: Spellings for the term are attached to the 'Writing Bingo' homework sheets. These are set weekly and can be practised in the following ways: 
    • Use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet saved under the homework section for each term. Hard copies are also available if required in homework folders.
    • Use spelling strategies found in homework folders and practised in class
  • TIMES TABLES: Practise regularly using TT Rock Stars, verbal strategies, online games.
  • READING:Children are expected and encouraged to read at home 3-5 times a week. This should be recorded in the children's Reading Diaries, dated  and signed by an adult. Children must bring their reading diaries in each day to be checked. Children who read 5 times a week will be awarded with 5 house points. Reading certificates are awarded as follows: 50 reads- Bronze Award, 100 reads- Silver Award, 150 reads- Gold Award, 250 reads- Platinum Award.


Thank you for your support

The Year 5 Team smiley

Please click on the icons below for information about each term.

Home Learning links

Please find below some useful links for home learning. These can be accessed as extra homework, over school holidays, or on teacher strike days, to support the learning that we do in class.




50 Recommended Read Year 5

Useful links

Please find below some additional useful links.

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