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Setting up parental controls

Setting Up Parent Controls Across Multiple Devices.



We know that Christmas or birthdays often bring new and exciting gadgets to some of our children, which make parents very popular, but also gives new worries around ensuring that our children can use them safely. Having multiple gadgets can add to the stress of dealing with appropriate content, screen time and game related issues.
No-one wants to be a party pooper, however for our peace of mind as parents, having appropriate controls in place, ensuring our children are using the equipment safely, and are protected from unsuitable content, is paramount.

It can be a minefield. When there are multiple pieces of equipment involved, where do you start?

Internet Matters have created a tool which will help you identify the devices in your house and will walk you through the steps to help set up those devices safely.


To access the tool, click here.

Parental Controls Set Up By Your Home Internet Provider


The 4 big internet providers in the UK – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media - provide their customers with
free parental controls which can be activated at any time. They have come together to produce these helpful video guides to help you to download and set-up the controls offered by your provider.  Click here to access the guides.



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