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Autumn Term

Autumn Term 1



Learning about ourselves is a fundamental part of childhood development, especially as pupils start to ask questions about who they are and how they are the same, or different, from others. As such, the start of the academic year - when everybody is getting to know one another – is the ideal time to start an “all about me” topic


Autumn Term 2



Who are the superheroes in your life? Why are they superheroes? Are you a superhero and why? This is a topic that focuses on the hero in all of us; a fun topic that focuses on ourselves, our families, superhero animals, superhero vehicles, the super people around us who help us, such as teachers, doctors, religious leaders, police and fire fighters.


This theme focuses on helping children develop a sense of what is noble and good and worth striving for in life. By using heroes to teach values, parents, caregivers and teachers are feeding young minds with examples of goals that are worth pursuing, qualities in human beings that are admirable and worth emulating, and that heroes are just people, like you and I, who are helping other people and making a difference in the world.

When teaching about values and heroism, it is important to selected heroes from various cultures in different parts of the world. This will help the children to realise that heroes are in every culture.

Using heroes to teach values allows teachers, through real life examples or through fiction, to exemplify virtues such as honesty, civility, courage, perseverance, loyalty, self-restraint, compassion, fairness, respect for individuals, and responsibility.

It also provides opportunities to point out that human kindness is important in our daily lives, as are respect for our parents, family, and everyone in our community, honesty and trust in all our relationships, helping those less fortunate than ourselves, and being generous which ultimately brings us such happiness


Our PE day is Monday. Children should bring their PE kit to school at the beginning of each half term; it will be kept safely on their peg. PE kit should include a white t-shirt or polo, green shorts or jogging bottoms, and black plimsolls. Please also consider packing a dark-coloured sweatshirt or hoodie, especially when the weather is cold. Please make sure everything is labeled clearly with your child's name. All earrings must be removed on PE days and hair should be tied up. PE kits will be sent home each holiday for a good wash!


We love to cook

In Reception, we provide the children with regular cooking and tasting activities. The children love these times and there are so many learning opportunities within them. To ensure your child's safety, it is vital that you keep the office informed of any allergies or dietary requirements that your children have.


Photographs are a great way to capture your child's learning but spending time with your children is our main goal

You will find some pictures on your child's online learning journeys (Class Dojo and around the school). We may also upload photographs of the children onto our school website for you to enjoy. (Please let us know if you would prefer us not to).


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