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Building 9, 10

Scheme of Work - Progression and activities linking to videos below

Session 1 - Representing and sorting 9 and 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 1 - Session 1 - Representing and Sorting 9 and 10

Session 2 - Representing and sorting 9 and 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 1 - Session 2 - Representing and Sorting 9 and 10

Session 3 - Order numerals to 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 1 - Session 3 - Ordering Numerals to 10

Session 4 - Composition of 9 and 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 1 - Session 4 - Composition of 9 and 10

Session 5 - Numbers to 10 - Bingo

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 1 - Session 5 - Numbers to 10 Bingo

Session 6 - Counting back from 10 - 10 in the bed

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 2 - Session 1 - Counting Back from 10 - 10 in a Bed

Session 7 - Comparing numbers within 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 2 - Session 2 - Comparing Numbers Within 10

Session 8 - Comparing numbers within 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 2 - Session 3 - Comparing Numbers Within 10

Session 9 - Making 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 2 - Session 4 - Making 10

Session 10 - Making 10

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 2 - Session 5 - Making 10

Session 11 - 3-D shape - matching objects

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 3 - Session 1 - Building with 3-D Shapes

Session 12 - Building with 3-D shapes

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 3 - Session 2 - Matching 3-D Shapes

Session 13 - Printing with 3-D shapes

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 3 - Session 3 - Printing with 3-D Shapes

Session 14 - Pattern

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 3 - Session 4 - Pattern

Session 15 - Pattern

Building 9 & 10 - Wk 3 - Session 5 - Pattern

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