Spring Term 1
Our new topic is ‘Imagination Land’. This topic will focus on teaching children with the support of Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes. Our main focus will be three traditional tales Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man, and The Three Little Pigs. We will also look at other traditional tales including Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, and Billy Goats Gruff, however, it will not be limited to these stories.
Children will be using these stories to develop their vocabulary and understanding. Through the use of traditional tales, children will become confident to retell key stories, create independent story maps, and start to innovate their own creative stories.
With the inspiration from our traditional tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ We will be making our own porridge and writing our own class recipe books. We will also have a go at making our own gingerbread men. Yummy! Let's hope they don't run away!
If you have a favourite Traditional Tale from your own family or culture please share this with your child’s class as we want the traditional tales to reflect the children in Bumblebee class.
You can help at home in several ways including reading a variety of Traditional Tales to support your child to be as familiar with these stories as possible. Discuss the beginning, middle, and end of stories and how the writer keeps the reader interested.
Spring Term 2
This term we will look at dinosaurs and space and the link between the two topics. We will use space to help inspire children's learning as we find out about significant people from the United Kingdom and around the world. Children will be recognising how people celebrate special events like Easter and Holi. We will look at the world and the area we live in and how it looked in the past when the dinosaurs walked the earth, what it looks like from space, and find where we live using interactive map tools like Google Earth. We will become paleontologists and dig for fossils and become astronauts and have an adventure into space. Along with exploring the natural world and how we can take care of the things in our environment, the children will have a go at litter picking in the local area and look at the importance of recycling and keeping our environment clean We will use or learned map skills to plan our route.
Our PE days are Monday this term as well as having many opportunities to test our gross motor skills in outside area. This is a change from the autumn term. The children are already meeting their daily and weekly active time through daily activities and their PE lesson on Monday. In reception, children will be spending time in addition to their PE lesson on Mondays by taking part in dance, yoga and the daily mile through the week to promote the importance of being active. This will continue to meet children's needs above and beyond.
Children should bring their PE kit to school at the beginning of each half term; it will be kept safely on their peg. PE kit should include a white t-shirt or polo, jogging bottoms (as the spring time is normally very cold) and black plimsolls.
Please also pack a dark coloured sweatshirt or hoodie, as it is especially cold during this time of the year. Please make sure everything is labelled clearly with your child's name. All earrings must be removed on PE day and hair should be tied up. PE kits will be sent home each holiday for a good wash!
We love to cook
In Reception, we provide the children with regular cooking and tasting activities. The children love these times and there are so many learning opportunities within them. To ensure your child's safety, it is vital that you keep the office informed of any allergies or dietary requirements that your children have.