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Super reader

Does your child have what it takes to be the next Super Reader of the Week? 




We at Maltese Road encourage a love for reading and promote every opportunity to improve your child's reading fluency and understanding.  Our new 'Super Reader Of The Week' approach is designed to encourage children to want to read, practice, and share all of the key skills learned in school.


How does your child get to be a Super Reader Of The Week?

Your child has every opportunity as the next child to become a Super Reader but they are in competition with all their peers in class.

To give your child he best chance, is to read with them every day. With every read recorded in their reading record, they receive a super reading token. This is placed in a jar and a name is randomly picked out of the jar. The more reading tokens your child has, then the more chance they have to become 'Super Reader Of The Week'. 

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