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Year 3 - Nightingale Class

Welcome to Year 3!






Children should arrive at school between 8.30am and 8.40am.

Home time: 3:10pm for all children.



  • Children are expected to read 3-5 days a week at home. This can be alone or with an adult, but we encourage sharing books at home. This should be recorded in children's reading records, and must be signed by an adult. Reading certificates will be awarded when children have met the different milestones.
  • Milestones: 50 times Bronze, 100 times Silver, 150 Gold and 250 Platinum.



Homework will be set on a Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. This includes:

  • Spellings to be practised in preparation for a spelling test on Wednesday. Please use the spelling sheet in the homework folder as well as Spelling Frame for additional practise.
  • Writing Bingo at the front of homework folder and also below. One activity to be completed each week using templates provided. 
  • Online Maths activities which are accessed via Purple Mash.
  • Regular Times Tables Rockstars practise.
  • Regular reading at home



Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Weather permitting, we will have an outdoor session. Children should come to school in their PE kits and ensure they are prepared for all weather. 



Children no longer have a snack provided for them from the government. If your child wishes to have a snack please provide a healthy snack from home. 



Should you need to contact me, please feel free to message me on our class dojo and I will reply as quickly as possible. 




Questions to ask your children when reading together

50 Recommended Reads for Year 3

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