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Year 4 - Dragonfly Class

  Welcome to Dragonfly Class!



Welcome to Year 4! Please find below some key information about the school day, P.E, homework and reading. Click on the icons for each term to find out more about our topics this year. 


Start and finish times

8:30am – 3:10 pm

Please note that the gate will be locked at 8.45, when lessons will begin. If children arrive after this time, they may incur a late mark in the register. 



Who's Who?


Mrs Strong is the Year 4 teacher.

Mrs Willoughby is our fabulous LSA, who will be in class Monday-Friday in the mornings. 

Mrs Farrell will be in class every Thursday and occasionally on other days to cover for Mrs Strong SLT duties. 


P.E will be taught on Mondays and Wednesdays in Autumn 1. Children should come into school wearing their P.E. kit on these days.


In Autumn 1, Monday will be tag rugby with Mr Stanley and Wednesday will netball with Mrs Strong.


In Autumn 2, PE will change to Monday and Tuesday: Monday will be hockey with Mr Stanley and Tuesday will be be gymnastics with Andrea. 


In spring 1, Monday will be football with Mr Stanley and our Tuesday slot will be used for rehearsing our year 3 and 4 performance including singing and dancing. 


Please note that long hair must be tied back and earrings removed. Thank you.



Homework is set every Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. Weekly homework includes:

  • Spellings to be practised in preparation for a spelling test on Thursday. Please use the spelling sheet in the homework folder/reading records as well as Spelling Frame for additional practise.
  • Writing Bingo at the front of homework folder and also below. One activity to be completed each week using templates provided. 
  • Online Maths activities which are accessed via Purple Mash.
  • Regular Times Tables Rockstars practise.
  • Regular reading at home.


 Children are expected to read at home 3-5 days a week. This should be recorded in the children's reading diaries and ideally should be signed by an adult. Reading certificates will be awarded accordingly: 50 reads Bronze, 100 reads Silver, 150 reads Gold and 250 reads Platinum.

50 Recommended Reads Year 4

Home Learning links

Please find below some useful links for home learning. These can be accessed as extra homework to support the learning that we do in class.


  • Lessons and activities on a wide range of subjects, please visit Oak Academy:

Useful resources:
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