Welcome to Fox Class
We hope you have all had a lovely summer break and are ready and refreshed for a new year. Please find below some useful information about the school day and the year ahead.
We will also be holding a 'Meet the Teacher' session on Tuesday 10th September, from 3:15 - 3:30pm, in the Year 5 classroom. In this session, we will go through useful information for the year.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.
Class teacher: Dr Simpson
Class LSA: Mrs Dade
Wednesday class teacher: Mrs Millwood
Cover teacher (Tuesday pm): Mrs Farrell
OUR SCHOOL DAY: 8.30am - 3.15pm
8.30am - 8:40am: gates are open. Registration takes place at 8:40.
8.45am: formal lessons begin
Tuesday pm: Gymnastics with specialist coach
Friday pm: Tag rugby with Mr Stanley
P.E. will be taught on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Children should come into school dressed in the correct P.E. kit on these days. Your child should be prepared for all weather conditions as P.E. sessions may be held indoors or outdoors.
Please ensure all P.E kit is clearly labelled with your child's name.
Most children require a snack at morning break to keep them going through the day. We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack. Many of these will help contribute to their 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, keep them alert and help them concentrate. If you are intending to send in healthy snacks with your child, please limit them to the list below.
We are aiming for a common-sense approach, with the key being to keep it healthy, with no chocolate, sweets or crisps
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday. Children who have not completed their homework will have a chance to do this on Friday during playtime. All required login details (Purple Mash, SpellingFrame, TT Rockstars) can be found in the front of children's reading diaries. Homework sheets can be found in homework folders and on the relevant termly pages below.
Homework will include:
Thank you for your support
The Year 5 Team
Please click on the icons below for information about each term.
Home Learning links
Please find below some useful links for home learning. These can be accessed as extra homework, over school holidays, or on teacher strike days, to support the learning that we do in class.
Useful links
Please find below some additional useful links.